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Jan 19, 2012


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Pamela R

I agree with the last statment 1000% EVERYONE else can have THEIR opion---only the folks at MY HOME COUNT 4 ME!!!!!
Poping in with vB =)


You're definitely right - there is no winner! Once you have kids, all jobs become a little harder, but I think we just try to do our best for our families.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts,


While you are in a unique position (and good for you! I love dads who aren't afraid to actually be dads!), I think that women especially need to stop looking at other women only to criticize. The way we parent, the way we look, what we eat, how we spend our days... nothing is free from censure. I think life would be so much more simple if everyone would just do the best they can, and assume that everyone else is doing the best they can as well.
I especially love your last line.


I just can't believe we still have to have this debate. You are right, there seems to be a need to have a winner, which in turn makes us all losers. Shouldn't we as parents be fighting for better health care, better childcare, more paid time off for all employees, better education. I can't help but wonder if there is a bigger plan at work, if we are fighting each other we can't solve the problems that would benefit us all. Thanks for a great post!!

Lynn Reilly

Great breakdown of the pros and cons of being at work vs. home. And so true!! And you're right, there will never be declared winner, because there simply isn't one. Families have to make the decisions that work best for them and their circumstances. The key is not why, but HOW they make it work. And quite frankly, who are we to judge and why are we to judge? We typically judge others only when we are questioning ourselves. The more comfortable we are with our own decisions, the less likely we are to judge others for theirs. At least, that's how I see it. :) Another great post!

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