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Jun 27, 2017


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Sherree Dee (Zeis)

Wow powerful. So refreshing to have such raw honesty portrayed about a subject that as you said, is becoming more "splashionable,"however for many is still a taboo subject.
As you mentioned meditation is a powerful tool to assist us to slow down and reconnect with our inner selves which in turn allows us to become our true selves.
I have been practicing meditation for more than 25 years myself. Like you I began during a period in my life when depression and anxiety where rearing their ugly heads. Many times I thought I wish I would have been aware meditation sooner so that perhaps I would not have gotten to the point in my life that anxiety and depression were allowed in.
Working in the medical field as a registered nurse I became aware of these issues arising in younger and younger children.(as young as 2 years of age)
How sad!
That's why I wrote a guided meditation book for children called "SHINE."
My hope is that families will come together and practice meditation, something to reconnect them as a unit, away from the computer, cell phone and TV.
I would love for it to become mainstream in schools, a way to start and end each day in the classroom. My author visits to schools have been well received by the children. It is amazing to see the effect on them even after one session. I had one young girl start to cry during the practice. One little boy said, "that was like a dream can we do it again."

Perhaps you could give the gift of meditation to the rest of your family as well. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving!
Just a thought, namaste.

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